Action & Adventure

Three Peaks

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Three Peaks cover.

Chris has climbed the tallest mountains in the world, including his crowning achievement, Everest. As assistant pastor in a small church, Chris is living on past glory. The church youth group wants him to return to Nepal as their leader in a mission to gain followers of Christ.
Now Chris stands before a mountain he has no desire to climb.
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Spying on Gran

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Three Peaks cover.

Gran has cats. Uncle Cawley spends his days reading newspapers. Life is boring for Boneh. Until one day, when Gran and Uncle Cawley start acting strange. There are hushed conversations and mysterious boxes in the basement. Boneh realizes something unusual is happening in his own house. Does he really even know his Gran?
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The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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The Three Musketeers
The Three Musketeers can be termed as a Romantic Historical Fiction work written by the French Author Alexandre DumasKey characters behind this story are d’Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis. d’Artagnan moves to Paris to make his fortunes by joining the Musketeers of the Guard. Dumas’s formula ensures to enjoy reading this novel, even if one does not know anything about Dumas life, the French history and the genre of Romance.

The War in the Air by H. G. Wells

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The War in the Air
When he published his war fiction novel The War in the Air during 1907, no one in the world would have believed on H. G. Wells prophecy that the world is going to face the bloody war and air power would be the key to victory in it. Wells idea for this novel was conceived right after the world could witness the successful flight by Wright brothers during 1903. Like many of Wells predictions, this novel became a reality when the World War broke and Air Strikes were the major military strategy.

Topsy-Turvy or The Purchase of the North Pole by Jules Verne

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Topsy-Turvy or The Purchase of the North Pole

Topsy-Turvy or The Purchase of the North Pole PDF edition and other Jules Verne books available for free download from our library.

Jules Verne’s adventure fiction The Purchase of the North Pole or Topsy-Turvy narrates the human efforts to control the rotation of earth in-effect to make it similar to Jupiter. Baltimore Gun Club succeed in winning the international bid to gain access to arctic mines. They had a dangerous plan which is being secretly executed, which would create huge wealth for them and western world. If their secret mission is executed successfully, it could cause huge damage to the rest of the world especially the Asian continent. Can human change nature?.

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

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Treasure Island
Treasure Island is an adventure fiction by Robert Louis Stevenson. An infamous pirate’s captain has buried a huge treasure in an Island and dies after that. A group of pirates hunting for the treasure searches the Flint’s crew members. In an attempt to find one such person Billy Bones, who has died in an Inn run by the grandfather of Jim who is central character of this adventure fiction. Jim and his team escapes from ransack on his inn by pirates and take the document which he has found from Billy.
The story is narrated in an adventure style with every person involved in the treasure hunting team to be untrustworthy and trying to get the treasure by them alone. The story ends up stating the voyage returns home without getting anything from the treasure land as it was already taken away long back by one the Flint’s crew member Ben. In an empathic end, Jim suffers from nightmares about the sea and gold coins

White Fang by Jack London

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White Fang
White Fang PDF edition and other Jack London books available for free download from our library.
White Fang is an animal fiction novel written by Jack London, an American novelist who was one of the early writers to have made fortunes out of fiction writing. Apart from his magnum opus The call of the Wild, many of his novels were based on animal fiction, boxing fiction and dystopian fiction.
White Fang has been written in the animal point of view about how animals view their wild world and how they view humans. This novel is the opposite version of “The call of The Wild”, in which a domesticated dog unearth the wildness in it, however in “White Fang”, a wild dog has been transformed from its wildness to domestication. 

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